25 Interior Plants 101 Guide And How to Take Care Of Them
25 Interior Plants 101 Guide
August 2021 MAOMA ART

The best addition you can make to your home is a plant. Choosing a plant for your interior can be a tricky task, especially when you are a newbie. So here is our guide for our favorite interior plants 101 and how to take care of them.

1. String of Pearls (Curio rowleyanus)
The String of Pearls is one of my favorites plants for any interior, they aesthetic is truly beautiful. They grow really fast, so you quickly will have lengthy strands of pearls. It prefers bright indirect light. Care level: Easy to Intermediate. Enough water to keep the soil steadily moist. Put yours in a hanging pot that allows the succulent's vines to cascade over the sides.
2. Meyer Lemon Tree (Citrus X Meyeri)
Believed to be a hybrid of lemons and mandarin oranges with a subtler, sweeter flavor than lemons. They bloom, and you have this beautiful fragrance of citrus flowers. Meyer's lemon trees do well indoors as long as they have lots of sun. They love the sun, so it would be best to keep them next to a window or a place where they get a lot of direct sunlight. Care: Water weekly.

3.Amazon Lily (Eucharis Amazonica)
A beautiful dark green plant that features large, white flowers that bloom throughout the winter and early spring. It thrives in medium light; Care: The leaves will wilt when it needs water, but once a week should suffice. Allow soil to dry between watering.

4. Kentia Palm (Howea Forsteriana)
This beautiful palm can grow up to 10 feet with a broad reach.
5. Cast iron Plant (Aspidistra Elatior)
If you’re looking to add a lush, dark green plant to your space, this one is for you. It does well in medium to low light and is tolerant of neglect, so it’s fine if you forget to water it once in a while. Perfect for the newbie. Care: Water once a week or every ten days.
6. Snake Plant (Sansevieria Trifasciata)
Snake plants are the perfect first plants for any newbie. This indoor houseplant strikes a lovely balance between order and chaos. This beautiful plants doesn't grow very tall, which makes it a perfect option for small interiors. They are very easy to maintain and can be placed anywhere in the home. It's toxic for both cats and dogs.
Care: Place anywhere you’d like and let the soil dry completely between watering. Check the soil every week, but it’s fine to skip a few. The snake plant, also known as sansevieria, does not require frequent watering. It's best to start it outside in the spring and move it indoors as soon as the weather cools down.

7. Peruvian Apple Cactus (Cereus Peruvianus)
A cactus is always the right choice for the beginner, it is extremely easy to take care of. As the plant grows, it tends to shift toward the light. To balance it out, rotate the plant, so it’s tilting away from the sun, and then it will tilt back. Care: Bright, indirect light is best, but the Peruvian apple cactus can also thrive in medium or full light. Water once a month.
8.Winterbourn (Philodendron Xanadu)
The winterbourn is a beautiful plant that requires a little bit more of maintenance. It will only grow to be about three to four feet. This plant is great for spaces with less light, also prefers bright, indirect sunlight. Be careful not to overwater it. If the soil is dry, it’s safe to water it. If, it’s moist to the touch, give it a few days before watering. Snap off dead, yellow leaves as they appear.
9. RUBBER PLANT (Ficus elástica)
This beautiful, unique looking plant has round shiny leaves, and it can grow up to 10 feet tall. They come in a vast variety of colors, which can be pretty fun and adorable to see. The rubber plants need more maintenance and soft touch than other plants. The rubber plant should never be placed near heaters or fans. They thrive best when the temperature is between 55 and 80 degrees. The plant's milky sap is poisonous to both pets and children, and it can also cause skin irritation. So if you have any little ones in the house, you should also stay as far away as possible from this plant. If not, it is an amazing, unique plant that truly creates a statement in any room. Care: Rubber plants, related to the ficus lyrata plant, respond well to bright, indirect light and should be kept moist.

10. African Spear Plant (Sansevieria Cylindrica)
African Spear Plant is a gorgeous plant that doesn't requires that much maintenance. A good option for beginners. Care: Place in any light you choose; water every few weeks.
11. ARECA PALM (Dypsis lutescens)
This beautiful plant will truly give a unique tropical vibe to your interior. They can grow pretty large, so a big pot is needed. This gorgeous plant need a little bit more maintenance and love. If it's not exposed to the correct amount of light and receives too much water, it can wither fairly quickly. Care: Areca palms flourish in indirect light. Soil should be kept moist in the warmer months and a bit more dry during fall and winter.

12. BOSTON FERN (Nephrolepis exaltata )
This beautiful plant grows quite large very fast. They love humid spaces, and areas with soft natural light. Care:- It's best to water a Boston fern until liquid leaks from drain holes.

13. Fiddle-Leaf Fig Tree (Ficus Lyrata)
The Fiddle-Leaf Fig Tree. Beautiful. It is best to keep it under a skylight or next to the window. They love the sun, and it needs as much sun as possible. Care: Water once a week, or more if it’s winter or the in dry environments
14. ZZ Plant (Zamioculcas zamiifolia )
The ZZ plant with its unique style requires less water than other plants. If you forget watering your plants and neglected a little bit the ZZ plant doesn't mind. It's a really low maintenance plant. It likes better indirect bright sunlight, but if you leave it in direct sunlight it won't even notice. Care level: Easy
15. Asparagus Fern (Asparagus Plumosa)
While this indoor plant isn't technically a fern, it still has those signature soft fronds. Care: The plant can handle partial to full sunlight and a varying water schedule. De Give advises keeping it lightly moist.

16. GOLDEN POTHOS (Epipremnum aureum)
This beautiful plant is very easy to take care for. It can live pretty much anywhere, and if they are neglected occasionally, they don't care. However, the golden pothos is toxic to pets as well as children, so if you have any, this plant should be avoided. if not be delighted with its beautiful colors. Care:Golden Pothos plants do best in indirect, medium sunlight. They can also survive in low light, which makes a bathroom an ideal spot for them.
17. Corn Plant (Dracaena fragrans massangeana)
The corn plant standout with striped leaves is another great option for beginners. This low-maintenance plant will look stunning in your living room, and grows up to four to six feet tall. Care: Place this beauty in filtered sunlight and water every 7-10 days.

18. DRACAENA WARNECKII (Dracaena deremensis varietà Warneckii)
This beautiful plants is made for big houses and to create a visual impact, they can grow up to 12 feet tall. They are very easy to take care for, which makes them a perfect plant for beginners. The leaves are toxic to both cats and dogs, so if you have pets or kids, you should probably avoid this one. if not get yourself one, and be mesmerized by the beautiful colors in its leafs. Care:This tropical shrub prefers to be exposed to bright, indirect lighting. Keep in mind that it can also do well in artificial lighting.
19. Pilea (Pilea peperomioides)
The pilea plant or Chinese money plant is a beautiful low maintenance option for the newbie, that want to learn with a schedule. It prefers indirect bright sun. Care level: Intermediate. Be careful with watering: It requires a "drench-and-dry" approach. (water thoroughly, then let the soil dry out), along with weekly misting

20. HEART LEAF PHILODENDRON (Philodendron hederaceum)
This beautiful plant may bloom at any time of the year with a gorgeous flower. It is toxic to pets as well as kids. it tends to attract pests. Care: It prefers moderate to low indirect light and moist soil.
21. ENGLISH IVY (Hedera hélix)
The English Ivy is a beautiful plant that is low maintenance and easy to grow. Thus making it a perfect option for creating a jungle home. They are toxic to pets and children. Care: English Ivy plants do not do well with direct sunlight. Bright light is best for this type of plant . o thrive, moist soil and cooler temperatures of about 50 to 65 degrees are best.

22. Yucca Cane Plant
The yucca plant does best in bright, indirect light. It doesn't require a lot of water, and you'll know it's thirsty by checking if the top half of the soil is dry. Care level: Intermediate
The peperomia is the dream of colors and uniqueness in nature, they existed more than 1,000 varieties of it. It is low maintenance and easy to grow. It is pet and kid friendly. One of my favorites for any home. Low temperature under 50 degrees can be really harmful and kill the plant. Care:They prefer low to moderate light and moist, well-drained soil.
24. Mistletoe Cactus (Rhipsalis)
Mistletoe Cactus Plant is a beautiful rare low maintenance option. Care: This plant does best in indirect light, but it can survive in low light, as well. Water weekly. If the tendrils ever droop, that’s a sign the plant is thirsty.
25. Split-Leaf Philodendron (Monstera Deliciosa)
This plant has a unique cut leaf. It grows really well, and it is easy to replant it, meaning if you buy one of these, you could easily have more, if you’d like. And create a jungle in your apartment. Care: Water once a week
Now you know everything about plants with our ultimate 30 best interior plants guide. Go, and start creating a beautiful jungle in your apartment. Bringing the nature inside with some new plants friends.

Now you know everything about plants with our ultimate 30 best interior plants guide. Go, and start creating a beautiful jungle in your apartment. Bringing the nature inside with some new plants friends.